+212 611-983567



What should I pack for the tour?

Comfortable walking shoes, appropriate clothing for varying temperatures (layers are recommended), sunscreen, hat, camera, and any personal items you may need.

Is the tour suitable for children?

Yes, the tour can be enjoyable for families with children, but it’s essential to consider the amount of walking and the activities involved in each location. Some parts, like hiking to the Spanish Mosque in Chefchaouen, may require moderate fitness levels.

Are meals included in the tour?

Some meals, such as breakfasts at the hotels, are often included. Lunches and dinners may be provided at selected restaurants or on your own, depending on the tour package.

What languages are the tours conducted in?

Tours are typically conducted in multiple languages, including English, French, and sometimes Spanish or Arabic. It’s advisable to confirm the languages available when booking.

Are entrance fees to attractions included?

Entrance fees to most attractions, such as Volubilis and museums, are usually included in the tour package. However, it’s good to verify this with your tour operator.

What is the accommodation like?

Accommodations are usually in comfortable hotels or riads (traditional Moroccan houses). The specific hotels may vary depending on availability and the tour package chosen.

What is the best time of year to take this tour?

The best time to visit is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is mild and comfortable for sightseeing. Summers can be hot, especially in inland areas like Meknes and Volubilis.

Is the tour wheelchair accessible?

Accessibility varies by location. Some sites, like the medinas and ancient ruins, may have uneven terrain and steps, making wheelchair access challenging. It’s advisable to check with the tour operator about specific accessibility needs.
